Culpable PRESS, MEDIA!

The Pastor Dave Burke of Bethany Church, Sunderland writing for the BBC News online wrote in his piece “Terry Jones – Saints and Monsters”

Pastor Terry Jones, of the Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville, ought to ask himself some serious questions today.

How many innocent people may be killed if I go ahead with my Koran burning stunt on Saturday? 

How many US citizens and soldiers may die? 

In what way may this folly advance the cause of Christianity? 

Even if I climb down, how many extreme individuals around the world may confuse my perverted brand of Christianity for the real thing? 

How many may die anyway?”

YOU sir should ask the very same questions of yourself and the vile MEDIA outlet that is paying you to write such filth.

YOU sir and the vile MEDIA outlet that is spewing out such garbage need to take a very close look at what you are doing to this planet.

I and the rest of the people of the planet should be holding YOU, the MEDIA outlet you work for, all the rest of the MEDIA outlets and Government officials that are feeding this frenzy for culpable negligence!

Yes, culpable negligence! You and the rest are acting recklessly without reasonable caution for what you are doing and you and the rest are putting other people at risk of injury or death (or failing to do something with the same consequences).

By writing articles and broadcasting on this potential act. By giving an act that has not even happened yet and would not even be known about if this planet had some real responsible leadership.

Any responsible and reasonable Press would have put this story to rest in Gainesville. But NOOO! Just had to start world war 3 didn’t you. Had to find that flash point that would put everyone at risk.

We do not have a reasonable and responsible Press anymore. We have a greedy, money hungry lot of useful idiots that have no idea at all what they are doing.

Look in the mirror and ask yourself – who is the real monster here, WHO IS THE REAL MONSTER?

Preston C Fawcett

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